Monday, January 6, 2014

2014: The Year of Skincare, Hair, and Organization [HAUL]

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I definitely did! It was soooo great to see my family and meet my baby nephew for the first time! Now that I am back and settled back in, I should probably get back on track with my posts! :)

With the new years comes the tradition of resolutions and normally I do make the typical resolutions of exercising more, but this year I decided that particular resolution should be a "durrr...". So I strayed from that typical resolution and picked a few new ones... and try some new products while I'm at it! Yay! 

On to my New Years Resolution Haul:

Resolution #1: Battling My Winter Skin!
I am suffering people... my skin is soooo dry and itchy this year! So I am going to try these lovely products to fight it before I scratch my skin off! [P.S. Any product recommendations are welcome!]

Resolution #2: Grow Out My Hair While Also Keeping It Healthy
I have pretty much had short hair since about summer of 2008 when I chopped my goldilocks off. I had really no idea of how to take care of my long hair back then so it's unhealthy, frizzy, and ridiculously annoying. And though I cannot stand when my hair even gets to shoulder length, I am attempting to give long hair another go in the new year since my hair is much more healthy now. I will probably lob it off out of impatience and frustration, but I'll give it a try [my next decision will be what color my hair will be for this growth... my natural dark blonde or continue to highlight...hmmm]

Resolution #3: Develop a Consistent Skincare Routine
I just have not found anything that I am crazy about when it comes to a skincare routine and with my skin as dry and wintery as it is now, consistency is key. So I bought some new products to try... hopefully I fall in love!

Resolution #4: Be More Organized.
This was first purchase towards organizing my life haha I have put it off, but my love of beauty products has prevailed [and this was actually decently priced!]. I really need to be more organized and not have everything just sitting around. I'm not a neat person, but clutter can drive a gal insane! Other than my bathroom, I also have some other organization projects in mind for the new year like getting into a more consistent cleaning schedule and being much more school organized because this next semester is going to be a KILLER!

All of these products were purchased at Walmart and were on sale [woot woot!]

Hope everyone is having an amazing beginning of the year and I hope it's not too chilly where you are!

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